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SKU: H369251
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Cynar liquore amaro aperitivo ai carciofi, bottiglia di vetro da 700ml.

Cynar is a liqueur with a sweet and bitter taste created from artichoke leaves and renowned for its versatility and its taste made unmistakable by the infusion of 13 herbs and plants. Its name comes from Cynar scolymus, the botanical name of the artichoke, its peculiar and distinctive ingredient. Its recipe, still secret, is based on some of the natural substances found in artichokes including the "Cynarina". Created by Angelo della Mole, a Venetian entrepreneur and philanthropist, it was launched in Italy in 1952. Since then the brand has grown and is now distributed internationally. It became popular in Italy thanks to advertisements made during the Carousel starring the actor Ernesto Calindri and the unforgettable slogan "Against the wear of modern life" Thanks to its refreshing features, Bitter sweet taste with herbaceous notes and its moderate alcohol content (16.5%), Cynar is an ideal drink both as an aperitif and as an after-meal, and the favorite by bartenders to create cocktails "pungent" and original.

16.5% G.A.